Welcome to Tolkchat! Our goal is to give captioners a simple and stable method of sharing the text with clients, irrespective of the method used to view.
As a captioner, you can create a document. Share the viewer link, from the top bar, to a client using any of your preferred ways. Use for example Whatsapp, Email or any other messaging service to share the link.
Open the viewer using any preferred ways! Use a phone, a tablet, a beamer or just on a laptop. Don't be worried if the connection temporarily drops out or if the page needs to be reloaded. The last 5000 characters are reloaded on page load.
The importance of full communication cannot be understated. Communication should not be hindered by spotty internet, device format, etc. I would love to hear from you! Any feedback, both positive and negative, is welcome. Please send me an email at David@vdsitsupport.nl